SnowKiss First Enough
Neme: kanca
Fajtja: Angol telivr
Szletett: 2008.
Szne: pej
Tk. szma: SK 45566601
Kpzse: galopp
Versenyek szma: 0db
Tulajdonos: Gina
1. hely: Blanket Number Appearance
1. hely: Honeybee Stakes -The Legends Derby (rvidtv)
1. hely: Around the World Appearance
1. hely: Churchill Downs - 1 mrfld
1. hely: Churchill Downs - 1 mile hit! sszevets
1. hely: I Love the 90's Appearance
1. hely: 2nd Galopp to the End of the World (sprint)
1. hely: VI. Harry Potter Appearance
1. hely: Overriding Krung Cup (Galopp)
1. hely: Overriding Krung Cup (Kllem)
2. hely: Eight Belles & Ruffian - Rest in Peace (Galopp - sprint)
2. hely: Blackstone Derby (800 m)
2. hely: My Fav's in Net (Kllem)
2. hely: One vs. One Galopp
2. hely: Cheval Fajtakategris Kllemverseny
2. hely: My Fav's In Net (Kllemverseny)
2. hely: Run to Target - tvlovagls
3. hely: IV, Cheval Galopp Race
3. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance (Kanck)
3. hely: Churchill Downs - 800m
4. hely: I. Dubai World Cup Carnivel (sprint)
6x Elite | 4x Best | 4x Better | 2x Good
Best in WLE, 1st in Blanket Number Appearance, 2nd of Eight Belles & Ruffian Memory Race, Good horse in 800 m, 3rd horse in IV. Cheval Galopp Cup, 1st racehorse in The Legend Derby, Nice Mare, Nice Thoroughbred in Mylife, Better of BlackStone Derby, 80mm Champion, Very Nice, Very nice gallop horse in ove.vs one, BETTER in Cheval De Course, The Most Beautiful of Around The World Appearance, Excellent at Churchill Downs 800m, Best at Churchill Downs on a mile, The Best at Churchill Downs - 1 mile hit!, The Most Beautiful Horse in PS, The Best Galopp Horse, 4th / 5th of Dubai World Cup Carnival, Round One in CdCp., Better in WLE, 2nd in Run to Target!, Best in WLE, 1st in VI. Harry Potter Appearance, Best Horse in Galopp & Appearance, BlackStone Champion
